Earn money with Butter 💸

Create passive income today simply by sharing Butter with others. There's no limit to how much you can earn.

Become an Affiliate

🤝 Join

Create your affiliate profile and get your custom referral link in minutes.

❤️ Create and Share

Share Butter through content, reviews, links, or direct recommendations. More shares mean more earnings.

🤑 Get Paid

Earn 30% commission on every subscription you refer, automatically paid monthly for a full year.

Could you sell one plan per day?

Selling just one business plan for 365 days can bring you an extra $91,980.

10 referrals

Up to $2,500/year

50 referrals

Up to $12,500/year

100 referrals

Up to $25,000/year

365 referrals

Up to $91,000/year

Become an Affiliate

Why Partner With Butter?

💰 Generous Revenue Share

Earn 30% of monthly recurring revenue from each referral, automatically deposited into your account for 12 full months. Watch your passive income grow with every new subscriber.

🤘 Simple to Start

Begin earning in three easy steps: Sign up, share your unique link, and collect your rewards. No complex requirements or hidden catches.

💎 Exclusive Perks

  • Custom Butter Partner Page
  • Priority Access & Support
  • Early access to beta features
  • Custom resources to boost your success

Trusted by brands and agencies of all sizes

Ready to start earning?

Join the Butter Partner Program
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